16th Month, 13th day 70 Year Yamassic Calendar [April 18, 2016 Gregorian Calender] Meeting between: Government Officials of :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors http://sites.google.com/site/atsikhatanationy and The United Nuwaubian Nation Embassy,...
16th Month, 13th day 70 Year Yamassic Calendar [April 18, 2016 Gregorian Calender] Meeting between: Government Officials of :At-sik-hata :Nation of :Yamassee-Moors http://sites.google.com/site/atsikhatanationy and The United Nuwaubian Nation Embassy, CONSULATES AND DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS http://www.unitednuwaupiannationembassy.com/ Protocols for this meeting. NOTE: THIS MEETING SHALL BE RECORDED AND COPIES SHALL BE SENT TO OFFICIALS AND/OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF BOTH NATIONS ONLY!!! 1) Invocation Done by :Chief:Nanya-Shaabu:Eil:®©TM 2) Officials of the The United Nuwaubian Nation Embassy, CONSULATES AND DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS shall introduce themselves: Beginning with: Title, Name and location/State. After Officials of the The United Nuwaubian Nation Embassy, CONSULATES AND DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS introduce themselves they shall press *6 on their Phones ( this is to mute their phone so no background noise will interfere with the speakers). *6 is to UNMUTE your phone. 3) :At-sik-hata :Nati