LI2208: Programming Barcodes for LI2208 Configuration name in Utility : LI2208 Last Modified : 23-juin-16 Windows Filename : Config File_LI2208_LI2208_2016.06.23.scncfg Plug-in Name : LI2208-STANDARD SR MODELS-010 Instructions: Scan barcodes in order,...
LI2208: Programming Barcodes for LI2208 Configuration name in Utility : LI2208 Last Modified : 23-juin-16 Windows Filename : Config File_LI2208_LI2208_2016.06.23.scncfg Plug-in Name : LI2208-STANDARD SR MODELS-010 Instructions: Scan barcodes in order, starting with programming barcode 1. Set Factory Defaults 1/6. Cable Connection Settings USB USB Device Type HID Keyboard Emulation,Caps Lock Override Enable 2/6. Simulated Caps Lock Enable,Convert Case Convert All to Upper Case 3/6. Modify Data Suffix 1 : Tab,7,0,0,9,Scan Data Transmission Format <Data><Suffix 1> 4/6. General Parameter Settings Keyboard Country Type French (France),Beeper Volume Medium 5/6. Configuration File LI2208 6/6. Page 1 of 2