NOTARY-S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is herebycertified,that on the datenotedbelow, the undersignedNotary Public hasverified andcertify that the documentsand sundry papers pertainingto the Recipientslisted in the AFFIDAVIT OF NOTARY'S PRESENTMENTCERTIFICATION...
NOTARY-S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is herebycertified,that on the datenotedbelow, the undersignedNotary Public hasverified andcertify that the documentsand sundry papers pertainingto the Recipientslisted in the AFFIDAVIT OF NOTARY'S PRESENTMENTCERTIFICATION OF MAILING FOR NOTICE OF INDEMNIFICATION CONTRACT WITH {JNITED STATES herein referred to are as follows: 1. Signed and notarized "AFFIDAVIT OF NOTARY'S PRESENTMENT CERTIFICATION OF MAILING FOR NOTICE OF INDEMNIFICATION CONTRACT WITH UNITED STATES" from SIONYA M. HALEY(CTM as Notary Public (1) page/l leaf 2. Authenticated Certificate of live birth (4) pages/3 leafs 3. Oka Lusa Achukma Arawak Chahta Tribe/Nation Enrolled tribal certificate no.71 1905001C (2) pages/2 leafs 4. Statutory Declaration (1) page/l leaf 5. Notice, Affidavit and Declaration of proof of life (l) page/l leaf 6. Copy of "NOTICE OF INDEMNIFICATION CONTRACT WITH UNITED STATES AND ACCEPTANCE FOR HONOR WITH INDORSEMENT TO {JNITED STATES" (2) pages/2 leafs 7. CopyofCe