U.S. Office of Personnel Management ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION Guide to Personnel Data Standards (PleasereadthePrivacyActStatementandinstructions-beforecompletingform.) Social Security Number Birthdate (Month and Year) Name (Last, First, Middte...
U.S. Office of Personnel Management ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION Guide to Personnel Data Standards (PleasereadthePrivacyActStatementandinstructions-beforecompletingform.) Social Security Number Birthdate (Month and Year) Name (Last, First, Middte lnirial) ) t{\ Privacy Act Statement of 42 u.s'c' section 2000e-16 and in compliance with Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority stanoaros for the classification of Federal Data on Race the office of Management and Budget,s 1gg7 Revisions to the impact on your emp,loym.ent status' but in the instance and Ethnicity. Providing this informatlon is votuntary ano has.1o your raie and ethnicity by visual observation' of missing information, your emptoying agenc;;;iir i'tt"*i,t to identify Federal government lt to plan for equal employment oPp?'tynlY tl]:"91?-" the This information is used as necessary-personnel or empioying agency maintaining the records to locate is also used by the u. s. office of Management -summary