Newsletter Title Hewlett-Packard Company Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date This story can fit 175- 225 words. The purpose of a news- letter is to provide spe- cialized information to a targeted audience. News- letters can be a great way to market your...
Newsletter Title Hewlett-Packard Company Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date This story can fit 175- 225 words. The purpose of a news- letter is to provide spe- cialized information to a targeted audience. News- letters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organiza- tion’s identity among peers, members, employ- ees, or vendors. First, determine the au- dience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it con- tains, for example, em- ployees or people inter- ested in purchasing a product or requesting your service. You can compile a mail- ing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, busi- ness cards collected at trade shows, or member- ship lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a com- pany. If you explore the Pub- lisher catalog, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter. Next, establish how much time and money you can spend o