SEGUL | March 2021 S E G U L A 56 Adar 5781 3333 from Exodus Issue 56 NIS 42 | Mar c h 2021 A dar 5781 3333 fr om E xo dus cial spe u i ss Teh e j e w ish hist o r y m a g a z i n e on sM H ASIDI A Brief History of Hasidism Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov |...
SEGUL | March 2021 S E G U L A 56 Adar 5781 3333 from Exodus Issue 56 NIS 42 | Mar c h 2021 A dar 5781 3333 fr om E xo dus cial spe u i ss Teh e j e w ish hist o r y m a g a z i n e on sM H ASIDI A Brief History of Hasidism Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov | Child Rebbes | Hasidic Train Line | Imprisoned Chabad Leaders | Hasidic Tel Aviv “Kings are slaves of history.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace D w a r f e d b y th e Str e i m e l AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE! P r e– b a r m i t z va H a s i d i c l e a d e r s TREAT YOUR FRIENDS Surprising Synthesis Hasidic Track Recurring Redemption Blending In Hasidic TO A SEGULA GIFT SUBSCRIPTION Baal Shem or Shaman? Rebbes ride the rails Chabad’s Founding Mythos Tel Aviv 058-541-6146