Peter Pan is an animation character created by the Scottish writer James Matthew Barriel, on 27th of December 1904 for a theatre in London. Peter Pan is a child who never grows up. He is ten years old and hates the world of adults. He is always with his...
Peter Pan is an animation character created by the Scottish writer James Matthew Barriel, on 27th of December 1904 for a theatre in London. Peter Pan is a child who never grows up. He is ten years old and hates the world of adults. He is always with his fairy Tinkerbell. He lives in the land of Neverland, an island where pirates live as well as Indians, fairies and sirens, where Peter Pan lives numerous adventures with his friends, the Lost Boys. John and Michael are two brothers who listen to the stories about Peter Pan, that Wendy, their older sister tells them. However, Peter Pan was not an invented character, but a real boy who every night, flew to Wendy's window to listen to the to stories. One day while Peter was trying to recover his shadow, Wendy woke up, and Peter convinced her to go with him to the Land of Neverland. Wendy happily accepted and together with her brothers fly towards Neverland. There, together with the Lost Boys, they would live a series of adventures facing th