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Donamou J. Anesthésie pour fistule artérioveineuse sous échographie. Article original Références 1. Sandeep Kusre, Andrew McEwen, Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Geena Matthew. Bloc écho-guidé du Brachial Plexus Block; Department of plexus brachial supra-claviculaire Anesthesia, University of Toronto; and ATOTW. 2018 ; 384 :1-9 Department of Anesthesia, Toronto 2. Bloc S, Mercadal L, Garnier T, Komly B, Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Leclerc P, Morel B. et al. Confort of the Canada Anesth Analg 2003; 97: 1514-7 patient during axillary blocks placement: a 7. Perlas A, Lobo G, Lo N, Brull R, Chan randomized comparaison of the nerve V, Karkha-nis R. Ultrasound guided stimulator and the ultrasound guidance supraclavicular block: outcome of 510 techniques. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2010 ; 27 : consecutive cases. Reg Anesth Pain Med 628-33. 2009; 34: 171-6. 3. Gnaho A, Gentili M. Échoguidage du bloc 8. Orebaugh S, Kentor M, Williams B. supraclaviculaire. Anesth-réanim. 2009 ; Adverse outcome