PUREPECHA CULTURE The purépecha culture begins to develop approximately from 1200 d.C to 1521 inside the horizon named postclasic, the geographic ubication is today in Michoacán. Purepechas were the only Mesoamerican people than at any time in the history...
PUREPECHA CULTURE The purépecha culture begins to develop approximately from 1200 d.C to 1521 inside the horizon named postclasic, the geographic ubication is today in Michoacán. Purepechas were the only Mesoamerican people than at any time in the history of Mexico was under the Mexica domain that kept faced during the time that these two civilizations existed, empire or kingdom tarasco consisted of four estates that were divided into districts, each manor had a chief who ruled these men were governed in turn by the cazonci representing the highest system of government of the Purepecha culture. The society was divided into various extracts being the head of this Irecha or cazonci that in addition to the functions of government in wartime served as warrior within this social extract the nobles, priests and warriors were; craftsman and traders were under privileged groups, and after these fishermen, peasants and slaves complemented the social structure of the Purepecha culture. Purépecha