Counseling and Psychological Services Student Life College Student Mental Health Survey Counseling&&&& Psychological&Services& Phase IV University&of&Michigan& introduction Room&3100&Michigan&Union& 734?764?8312& Since& 2004,& Counseling& && Psychological&...
Counseling and Psychological Services Student Life College Student Mental Health Survey Counseling&&&& Psychological&Services& Phase IV University&of&Michigan& introduction Room&3100&Michigan&Union& 734?764?8312& Since& 2004,& Counseling& && Psychological& resiliency.& We& were& interested& in& & Services& (CAPS)& has& conducted& the& understanding& students’& experiences& of& Phase&IV&Survey&& College& Student& Mental& Health& Survey& mental& health& and& how& this& might& be& under&the&direction&of:& (CSMHS)& every& 2?3& years& to& better& impacted& by& hopeful& and& resilient& ways& Ryon&C.&McDermott,&Ph.D.&& understand& mental& health& experiences& of& thinking& and& behaving.& For& example,& (2012?13&Post?Doctoral& of&UM&students.&&Previous&phases&of&the& we& wanted& to& know& more& about& the& Fellow)&and&Todd&Sevig,&Ph.D.& survey& have& focused& on& rates& of& differences& between& people& who& (Director)& occurrence&as&well&as&specific&aspects&of& experience& de