ABCADEFABABCADEFAB TThhee FFiirrsstt EEppiissttllee ttoo tthhee TThheessssaalloonniiaannssAA A BC D EF BA BC D EF B FF A BCDE F C E EE CA AB CD D EF B ADD ! "D # $ A%D "A &DA'()*+, - . B / 0 !1 2 1 3 4 A+( 5 D D 4 -D - A )F 4AF6+ 7 B 2 1 D A/-%A8 ( ,A9 A 7...
ABCADEFABABCADEFAB TThhee FFiirrsstt EEppiissttllee ttoo tthhee TThheessssaalloonniiaannssAA A BC D EF BA BC D EF B FF A BCDE F C E EE CA AB CD D EF B ADD ! "D # $ A%D "A &DA'()*+, - . B / 0 !1 2 1 3 4 A+( 5 D D 4 -D - A )F 4AF6+ 7 B 2 1 D A/-%A8 ( ,A9 A 7 AF A"A ) - : - B( ;A*<A=> # $. BBeelliieevveerr’’ss BBiibbllee CCoommmmeennttaarryy by WWiilllliiaamm MMaaccDDoonnaalldd This is a Bible commentary that makes the riches of God’s Word clear and easy for you to understand. It is written in a warm, reverent, and devout and scholarly style. It is a good choice for your personal devotions and Bible study. © 1995 by William MacDonald., Believer’s Bible Commentary, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, pp. 2383. — All Rights Reserved —