A nineteenth century textile factory. By 1823, there were ten thousand of these "mills" throughout Brìtain' As these agricultural changes u/ere occurring, those involved u/ith Britain's already prosperous textile tracre were also lookñg for new ways...
A nineteenth century textile factory. By 1823, there were ten thousand of these "mills" throughout Brìtain' As these agricultural changes u/ere occurring, those involved u/ith Britain's already prosperous textile tracre were also lookñg for new ways tõincrease their profits. New technologies, such as the fly shuttle, ,pi1¡rrg.j.nny, *ã *",.t framã, lecl to the ctevelopment of a power loom' which could ;;;;.. -o;e doih ancl material than ever before. Other expk¡rations into ways of powering these new machines procluced the steam engine, and with it, a SIeater reliance on burning coal for energy' Factories, or "mills," were built in towns *d.iti., to house the new machines and the volume of procluction immeciiateiv grew. The first steam loom factory openecl in l'l,anchester in 1BOó, and by 1823 rhere were more iti"tt ro,ooo throughout Britain. As jobs proliferated in the factories' manY farm workers headed to cities to fincl work in the mills' soclAl CONSEQUENCES OF INDUSTRIATIZATION As