L1i8hllidclle Ages sau/ a CONCTUSION significant flourishing in Christ's Church, ancl lÍì many ways, this period nme wa5 a golden age in the history of the Church. Christian philosophy, piety ancl art boldly into new heights, ancl the saints of the period...
L1i8hllidclle Ages sau/ a CONCTUSION significant flourishing in Christ's Church, ancl lÍì many ways, this period nme wa5 a golden age in the history of the Church. Christian philosophy, piety ancl art boldly into new heights, ancl the saints of the period showed how holiness redounds to the of all of society. This does not mean, of course, that the Medieval periocl was bereft of shadows in its reflection of Christ' S Gospel. Nonetheless, I'tedieval culture, expressed n its in philosophy theology, architecture, art, and literature, offers a glimmer of the ramifications of the Christian ideal. pass often heraldecl as one of the pinnacle moments in human history, the Renaissance clid without its high ancl low points. At its best the Renaissance offered the social climate for the rl5e of Christian humanism, rebirth in classical principles, and developments in the fine arts. , the Renaissance in its excesses the understanding of human and encouragecl a false sense of . This period represent