IN THIS ISSUE Feature Articles ........... 1 to 7 Media................................... 10 From the Editor ................... 2 Business Directory ........... 11 Letters ................................... 2 Churches, Ministries and Articles...
IN THIS ISSUE Feature Articles ........... 1 to 7 Media................................... 10 From the Editor ................... 2 Business Directory ........... 11 Letters ................................... 2 Churches, Ministries and Articles .......................... 8 to 9 Schools Directory ............. 11 DO WE IMPLICATE OURSELVES? By Fred Wikoff ened the world ever since Christ brought us the good news of God’s Years ago a friend of mine went to live with love for mankind. With 2.8 billion the Lord. He loved to sing and lead evangeli- Christians living in the world today (about a third of the world’s popula- cal singing. His favorite hymn was “Power in tion) the Gospels power is unques- the Blood.” He always made it a point to give tionable, yet, it’s a story that still two reasons why he liked it. First, Christ shed begs to be told. For without the Gospels power there’s no hope of His blood for him at Calvary. Second, he’d salvation for the two thirds outside married a woman