July 2015 -TheChristianJournal-Page1 Feature Articles........ 1 to 8 From the Editor.................2 Letters................................2 Articles..................... 9 to 11 Media...................... 12 to 14 Business Directory.........17 Churches...
July 2015 -TheChristianJournal-Page1 Feature Articles........ 1 to 8 From the Editor.................2 Letters................................2 Articles..................... 9 to 11 Media...................... 12 to 14 Business Directory.........17 Churches & Ministries Directory................ 18 to 19 Announcements..............19 In this Issue Choose An Attitude of Gratitude By Evelyn Horan Do you have an attitude of gratitude every day of the year? Sometimes I think I spend more of my prayer time asking God for things I think I need or want, rather than thanking Him for what He’s done for me. When I pause and consider my circumstances, I know I should be grateful to Him. For example, I’m often thankful God has chosen not to answer “yes” to some of my prayers. Once I badly wanted a certain coffee pot I’d heard about in a store downtown, but I couldn’t afford it. I mentioned it to my neighbor, Sarah. She smiled and told me she had purchased that very coffee pot and was disappointed