The Official Publication of Gabaldon Central Elementary SchoolThe Official Publication of Cluster II—ELEMENTARY Vol. 1 No. 1 April 22 - 24, 2015 Exciting! Thrilling! Stress! Division Training Seminar for Teachers at the Dominican College of Tarlac to ugrade...
The Official Publication of Gabaldon Central Elementary SchoolThe Official Publication of Cluster II—ELEMENTARY Vol. 1 No. 1 April 22 - 24, 2015 Exciting! Thrilling! Stress! Division Training Seminar for Teachers at the Dominican College of Tarlac to ugrade and enhance School Paper Advisers. This seminar was led by Dr. Joel Guileb and Dr. Yolanda Pena both English and Filipino Supervisors. The program was held at the 3rd floor of the main building. It was started with a prayer, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. Dr. May Batenga Eclar Division Superrintendent delivered her message followed by the diffent speakers. It was a three days seminar that started from this day April 22-24, 2015. This composed of different categor namely, Feature Writing, News Writing, SportsWriting,Photo journalism, Science Writing and Broadcasting. Participants are from different district of Tarlac Province recommended by their pricipals and were assigned to ..... See Division Training p. 4 The Par