5.10.2019 ETHIOPIAN COMMUNITY Treasure HIT (ETHIOPIAN COMMUNITY (56325 :שם המשחק קבוצה יוצג מסלול שונה/ לכל משתתף- אקראי:סוג המסלול משימות רמזים שם התחנה What is the Ethiopian society's attitude to the .1 Go to the Ethiopian Village The...
5.10.2019 ETHIOPIAN COMMUNITY Treasure HIT (ETHIOPIAN COMMUNITY (56325 :שם המשחק קבוצה יוצג מסלול שונה/ לכל משתתף- אקראי:סוג המסלול משימות רמזים שם התחנה What is the Ethiopian society's attitude to the .1 Go to the Ethiopian Village The ?elders of the community Ethiopian Village The elders of the community are an integral part ()ברקוד of community life. They are highly significant, give advice and help in making decisions and .thus they earn much respect Once a person gets older he is removed from .community life and decision making The elders of the community are treated just like .anyone else in the village Find the proverb whose message is: "When we .1 Look for the station where you can learn about Language disseminate the knowledge we possess, others too proverbs ()ברקוד ".can benefit from it 1 2 3 4 The song before you describes the difficulties .1 .... Look for the song, and listen to the yearning The Sigd experienced by Ethiopian immigrants during their fest