FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date of Release: Feb. 23, 2015 Regal Sarcophagus will Hold Court in Ancient Resource’s March 8 Fine Ancient Artifacts Auction 375-lot sale also features Roman statues and vessels of exceptional quality; ancient jewelry, weapons,...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date of Release: Feb. 23, 2015 Regal Sarcophagus will Hold Court in Ancient Resource’s March 8 Fine Ancient Artifacts Auction 375-lot sale also features Roman statues and vessels of exceptional quality; ancient jewelry, weapons, pottery, Pre-Columbian art and rare Byzantine footwear MONTROSE, Calif. – Among antiquities connoisseurs, there are two non-negotiables when considering a new acquisition: authenticity and the assurance that a dealer will stand behind their merchandise. It was those two principles that served as the foundation for Gabriel Vandervort’s Ancient Resource auction house. A former writer and producer of ancient-history documentaries for History Channel, Discovery Channel and other respected TV networks, Vandervort built Ancient Resource into a globally respected brand by committing to research, authentication and uncompromising adherence to laws governing the sale of cultural artifacts. Ancient Resource unequivocally guarantees every item it sel