ABP / PBL NOM <el_vostre_correu@xtec.cat> GEP 2014 / 2015 TEMPLATE Project Title : READING AND WRITING MUSIC Subject: MUSIC Level : 1st ESO Learning Objectives: The unit aims to introduce students to the main elements of musical language, so as to be able...
ABP / PBL NOM <el_vostre_correu@xtec.cat> GEP 2014 / 2015 TEMPLATE Project Title : READING AND WRITING MUSIC Subject: MUSIC Level : 1st ESO Learning Objectives: The unit aims to introduce students to the main elements of musical language, so as to be able to recognize and use for reading and writing simple melodies.Also familiar with the international nomenclature and the Italian lexicon. Prior knowledge: The musical language - Aspects of musical language related to the height of sounds: stave, notes, keys, etc. - Aspects of musical language related to the duration of the sounds: figures, rests, bars, etc Competences developed: Language proficiency: - Acquisition of vocabulary - Develop and make asks to classmate - Discussion and sharing aloud aspects specific topic - Extract information from texts - Comprehensive reading - Development of oral skills Cultural and artistic competence: - Knowledge of raw materials of music, sound, and the graphic representation - Learning the signs used