Detective Genre in the USA Detective fiction is a sub-genre of crime fiction and mystery fiction in which an investigator or a detective - either professional or amateur - investigates a crime, often murder. Crime fiction is a literary genre that...
Detective Genre in the USA Detective fiction is a sub-genre of crime fiction and mystery fiction in which an investigator or a detective - either professional or amateur - investigates a crime, often murder. Crime fiction is a literary genre that fictionalises crimes, their detection, criminals and their motives. It is usually distinguished from mainstream fiction and other genres such as science fiction or historical fiction, but boundaries can be blurred. The Detective fiction in the English-speaking world is considered to have begun in 1841 with the publication of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe "The Murders in the Rue Morgue”. Poe devised a plot formula that has been successful ever since. In stories such as these, the primary concern of the plot is ascertaining truth, and the usual means of obtaining this is a complex and mysterious process that combines intuitive logic, astute observation, and perspicacious conclusion. Early detective stories tended to follow an investigating