Environment LIFE, the EU funding tool for the Environment Since 1992, LIFE has contributed to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental policy and legislation by co-financing pilot or demonstration projects with European added value....
Environment LIFE, the EU funding tool for the Environment Since 1992, LIFE has contributed to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental policy and legislation by co-financing pilot or demonstration projects with European added value. In the Energy field, LIFE has been continuously supporting innovative projects that upgrade energy technologies and processes - both in the public and private sectors - all over the EU. LIFE & Energy sustainability Photo:LIFE06ENV/L/000121-DupontEnergain/Hawkes Photo:LIFE06ENV/IT/000266 Photo:LIFE06ENV/S/000517 Photo:LIFE06ENV/D/000485-MarioMANTHEY EFFERNERGY developed two new insulation products that improve the thermal performance of existing buildings: • An “easy to install” thermal mass panel that can be used inside walls, floors and ceilings, including in existing buildings. This panel, called DuPont Energain, works by absorbing heat in the daytime and releasing it at night, thus evening out temperature fluctuations in buildings