Liteupblock offers the Lego compatible brick light for the ideal lighting option in soothing colors.
The Lego brick light is ideal for bringing light to remote areas like cabinets, wardrobes or dark corners
of the room. Liteupblock offers the great variety...
Liteupblock offers the Lego compatible brick light for the ideal lighting option in soothing colors.
The Lego brick light is ideal for bringing light to remote areas like cabinets, wardrobes or dark corners
of the room. Liteupblock offers the great variety of Lego electric light bricks in soothing color options
to get ideal lighting wherever one wants it. The brick uses 4 LED white lights to provide lighting, while
one can mount the brick light's frame to any surface, then snap the light into place. The brick can also
be removed from the frame to give night light wherever one wants.
The Lego electric light bricks at their store comes in various sizes and in different gorgeous color
options to choose from. The color options include trans-yellow, trans-orange, trans-red, trans-purple,
trans-blue, trans-green and the LED bulbs inside each light brick matches the color of the casing.
These custom Lego light bricks are compatible with Lego with studs on top and tubes on the bottom
that fit