The Role of Fusible plug fluid coupling
Fusible plug is a fluid coupling overheating protection device, is one of the essential
components, coupling the brake or overload, the maximum torque of about 2 to 2.5
times the rated torque, or higher. So heating...
The Role of Fusible plug fluid coupling
Fusible plug is a fluid coupling overheating protection device, is one of the essential
components, coupling the brake or overload, the maximum torque of about 2 to 2.5
times the rated torque, or higher. So heating power will work to fight a sharp rise in
oil temperature and oil near the flashpoint work, but causes severe vibration coupling
products, will cause the working oil fire, even causing serious consequences coupling
damage, but the installation fusible Cypriot later, as long as the working oil
temperature close to 134 ℃, fusible plug in low melting fusible alloy will melt
(melting point of about 130`140 ℃), working oil under the effect of centrifugal force,
ejected from the fusible plug, so that the active part is completely disconnected, no
torque is transmitted, thereby protecting the coupling and the driven machinery.
At this point you must find the cause of the injector troubleshooting, according to the
provisions of the re-injected