Kindergarten Soccer Drills
Soccer has become fun for all ages and it has been said that as for all things, the earlier you start
training the better. Professional footballers all follow a prescribed training for each practice. Here
are some prescribed...
Kindergarten Soccer Drills
Soccer has become fun for all ages and it has been said that as for all things, the earlier you start
training the better. Professional footballers all follow a prescribed training for each practice. Here
are some prescribed kindergarten soccer drills that can be so fun and are guaranteed to keep all
your youngStar interested.
Warm-Up Dribbling
The dribble obstacle course is always fun. First setup two groups of cones an equal distance from
each other at about 2ft (0.5 meters) apart and have the children dribble through and around them.
Have them work in teams with one person up the line and another one down. First team to have all
players through with proper technique wins.
Passing and Long Kick
Pass the hot potato is another good Kindergarten soccer drill. Split the children into two groups and
have them spread out randomly on the field then tell them that no person is to have the ball for more
than 3 seconds. Any violators or error in passing results in po