Find mobile number
Files Phone number Grabber is a remarkable phone number extractor tool adept at
extracting phone numbers in bulk from different types of Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
PDF or Publisher files. User can add large number of files at one go. There...
Find mobile number
Files Phone number Grabber is a remarkable phone number extractor tool adept at
extracting phone numbers in bulk from different types of Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
PDF or Publisher files. User can add large number of files at one go. There is no
restriction on type of files and user can add files like DOC, RTF, DOCX, DOCM, TXT,
INI, LOG, PPT, PPTM, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, XLSM etc. at one go. User has the liberty to
add files directly by selecting them or by using ‘Add folder’ button. User can add all
files contained in a folder automatically by using ‘Add folder’ button. Users can set
criteria for extraction by using filter options and get numbers relevant to the criteria
User also has the option to remove duplicate numbers automatically. After numbers
list is generated users can click on ‘Save Phone numbers’ button to save numbers in
.CSV format opening in excel or .TXT format opening in notepad. This advantage of
mobile telephony over other modes of communication necessita