In this section
Accordions with Pop-Ups and Fold-Outs—Instruction Sheets 15
The CityScape—Lesson Plan 18
An Anthropological Study—Lesson Plan 19
My Favorites—Lesson Plan 21
Recorded History—Lesson Plan 22
Accordions are fabulous books because...
You need...
In this section
Accordions with Pop-Ups and Fold-Outs—Instruction Sheets 15
The CityScape—Lesson Plan 18
An Anthropological Study—Lesson Plan 19
My Favorites—Lesson Plan 21
Recorded History—Lesson Plan 22
Accordions are fabulous books because...
You need only paper, glue, and scissors.
You can make longer and longer books by adding more accordions.
Great for horizontal images and texts.
They can be viewed page by page or all at once.
Pop-ups and fold-outs add even more dimension.
Books, or
did you know... Accordions and concertinas are not just books, but musical instruments too.
The accordion and concertina are free reed instruments. The reeds vibrate when a musician pulls and
pushes on the ends of the accordion or concertina. Books and music go together!