Disney Channel Auditions – Making the Best
Impression on the Casting Director
Auditioning for a TV role can be a frightening experience. No one said it would be easy
auditioning for a spot in the lustrous Disney channel. Before you head out for Disney...
Disney Channel Auditions – Making the Best
Impression on the Casting Director
Auditioning for a TV role can be a frightening experience. No one said it would be easy
auditioning for a spot in the lustrous Disney channel. Before you head out for Disney channel
auditions,it would be bestfor you to understandwhatis expectedby thecasting directors.Here
are a few things you can keep in mind thatwill help you stand out from all the other kids that
wanttobea Disney star.
The casting directors want someone with live theatre experience. This is because it will take
lesser time for someonewith experienceto perfecta scene.Most of thestars you know already
gained professional experience before being cast in a TV show. Take advantage of any acting
opportunity.Join a theatregroup or go for a summeracting campthatwill helpgrow your talent.
You’re betteroff if you have real coaching.
You must have worked or trained with a
reputableacting or singing coach.Thereare
instances where coaches use their