Interview: Monish Patolawala MonishPatolawala istheGEHealthcarechief financialofficer.Hewas previouslychief financial officer forGEtransportation.He is responsible fordrivingthe financial strategy andoperational performanceofGEHealthcare’s US$18 billion...
Interview: Monish Patolawala MonishPatolawala istheGEHealthcarechief financialofficer.Hewas previouslychief financial officer forGEtransportation.He is responsible fordrivingthe financial strategy andoperational performanceofGEHealthcare’s US$18 billion business unitofGeneral Electric,a businessthat provides medicaltechnologiestotheglobal healthcare industry Vice-president and chief financial officer,GE Healthcare What advantages are there for using a public-private partnership (PPP) and managedequipment service (MES)versus straight investment bygovernments? PPP and MES projects usually require a team of private companies who agree to supply outcome-based solutions to the implementing agency. This takes the burden off the government to monitor/measure how the service is being provided, and pays only if the service meets certain criteria (such as guaranteed performance of the medical technologies). The risks are thereby transferred to the private sector throughout the life cycle of the