RiverTALK FREE S e p t e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 9 | Vo l u m e 1 0 , No. 1 0 Local woman uses trade to follow dreams Azurah (Zera) Herbert McMyn has some Shop in Enderby, earning over 2,000 of the By Jackie Pearase choose because you like the more detailed...
RiverTALK FREE S e p t e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 9 | Vo l u m e 1 0 , No. 1 0 Local woman uses trade to follow dreams Azurah (Zera) Herbert McMyn has some Shop in Enderby, earning over 2,000 of the By Jackie Pearase choose because you like the more detailed advice for high school students choosing 4,620 apprenticeship hours required for work,” Zera noted. “And I got to start with their educational path – take a trade. Red Seal certification, and using welding that, which was kind of a rare skill.” The 2017 A.L. Fortune Secondary School skills developed over her lifetime. Those skills came in handy when she ap- graduate earned her Red Seal in welding “When I was at the Prop Shop I did TIG plied and landed a job last fall at Adam Inte- one month before her 20th birthday this welding; that’s all I did there. Usually, you grated in Salmon Arm where she does alu- summer, culminating a four-year journey don’t get to start out TIG welding. That’s minum MIG welding, steel, stainless steel, made poss