RiverTALK FREE O c t o b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 0 | Vo l u m e 1 1 , No. 1 0 Bridge water line project nears completion By Jackie Pearase Automated traffic control specifications while the bridge ly resulted in a boil water advi- nance. across the Bawtree Bridge...
RiverTALK FREE O c t o b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 0 | Vo l u m e 1 1 , No. 1 0 Bridge water line project nears completion By Jackie Pearase Automated traffic control specifications while the bridge ly resulted in a boil water advi- nance. across the Bawtree Bridge design posed its own difficulties. sory for people east of the bridge Consultations with the band, should be a thing of the past this “It may look simple on the and then also for city residents MoTI, Ministry of Environment week. surface but it’s extremely com- when turbidity clogged filters at and Department of Fisheries Installation of a new water plex with a lot of hidden condi- the water treatment facility. and Oceans resulted in delays to line along the underside of the tions that you don’t know is in The original plan was to put a start date. bridge connecting Enderby to there until you actually get in the pipe back under the riverbed Design work with structur- its main water supply on the there and do your analysis and but that