RiverTALK FREE Ju l y 9 , 2 0 2 1 | Vo l u m e 1 2 , No. 0 5 River concerns voiced after RDNO decision By Jackie Pearase The recent sinking of a motorboat in the nouncement that the Regional District Shuswap River has some residents con- of North Okanagan...
RiverTALK FREE Ju l y 9 , 2 0 2 1 | Vo l u m e 1 2 , No. 0 5 River concerns voiced after RDNO decision By Jackie Pearase The recent sinking of a motorboat in the nouncement that the Regional District Shuswap River has some residents con- of North Okanagan will no longer pursue cerned about the river’s future. boating regulations on the Shuswap River. A group of Mabel Lake Road residents People are concerned that increased boat witnessed a 19-foot boat with four people traffic will result in ecological damage to the travelling through the Skookumchuk rapids fish-bearing river and result in safety issues on June 17 when it hit a hole in the rapids for all users. and became stuck. Members of the Upper Shuswap Riv- Efforts to get the boat unstuck proved un- er Motor Vessel Management Mediation successful and the boat sank. Committee, which was part of the 10-year Fearing for the people’s safety, search and RDNO process on regulating motorized rescue was called but the RCMP came in- vessels