The following online supply companies are sources for HIV generic medicines that can be ordered and shipped to Australia. To order you must have a medical prescription slip, which can be obtained by consulting a local Australian HIV doctor (who can also...
The following online supply companies are sources for HIV generic medicines that can be ordered and shipped to Australia. To order you must have a medical prescription slip, which can be obtained by consulting a local Australian HIV doctor (who can also monitor your HIV medical care as required – without the need for a Medicare card): SHIPPING AND ORDERING GENERIC MEDICINES Shipping times for delivery can vary. It is important to ask your chosen online ordering company about their shipping times, as well as shipping costs (if any). Allow enough time to place your order, and to receive it, before your current supply runs out (if you are already taking HIV treatment) to ensure you don’t miss any doses – as HIV treatment should be taken every day without skipping or missing doses. Once you have started treatment, count the number of doses you have left and compare that with how long your next order will take to get her