Desert Recreation District Administrative Manual SUBJECT: Contract Administrative Manual SECTION: General Administration POLICY NUMBER: AP106 DATE APPROVED: March 28, 2012 REVISION DATE: August 9, 2016 Purpose The purpose of this manual is to define the...
Desert Recreation District Administrative Manual SUBJECT: Contract Administrative Manual SECTION: General Administration POLICY NUMBER: AP106 DATE APPROVED: March 28, 2012 REVISION DATE: August 9, 2016 Purpose The purpose of this manual is to define the procedures for the development, administration and management of contracts initiated and entered into by the District. The policy that governs contracts is AP 010 Procurement Policy and Procedure Manual. All District Team members are required to adhere to AP 010 when initiating the contracting process. The term "contract' will be used interchangeably with the terms, "Agreement," "Memorandum of Understanding," "Joint Powers Agreement", etc. unless otherwise noted. Procurement Policy (AP 010) It is the policy of the Desert Recreation District to ensure an open and competitive procurement process in which the purchase of supplies, equipment and services; and public works and/or construction projects are obtained by means consistent with ge