Hi my name is rosalina.i’m a fairy. yes I
know its strange that you never saw a fairy,
but I’m not in a world like you all people!I do
not sleep in beds like you. If you ever saw a
fairy they do not live like you.If they have a
war it is always the baddest...
Hi my name is rosalina.i’m a fairy. yes I
know its strange that you never saw a fairy,
but I’m not in a world like you all people!I do
not sleep in beds like you. If you ever saw a
fairy they do not live like you.If they have a
war it is always the baddest one. but because
humans don't know what it is like to be a fairy.
I will tell you about it.
So I grew up on 3 of nov 2004 wierd
wright ,Okay let me tell you about my school
sos its so strict if you have to go to the toilet
during a lesson you get a smack on your
bottom. But our village is so fun all the houses
are a rainbow colored.
But wait roar a a a at the moment I was
writing I heard a dragon yes!!!! I shouted okay
I know I’m a girl but I am not a girly,girl this
was my chance to get the dragon as my pet
so set out to find the dragon, but on the way I
found a boy just like me he was a bit weird
sins fairies have enemies the devils he
looked a bit like the devil but he said i’m not
the devil so I believed him but I couldn't say