TEMPORARY INTERRUPTION OF FYNBOSLAAN TERGNIET Weather permitting, some road construction will commence at Fynbos Avenue in Tergniet. Traffic access to and from the R102 / Lynbos Avenue will be closed for approximately 8 weeks. During this period access will...
TEMPORARY INTERRUPTION OF FYNBOSLAAN TERGNIET Weather permitting, some road construction will commence at Fynbos Avenue in Tergniet. Traffic access to and from the R102 / Lynbos Avenue will be closed for approximately 8 weeks. During this period access will be via a temporary gravel road over the neighbouring properties as indicated below. THE TEMPORARY BYPASS WILL BE APPLICABLE FOR THE PERIOD 3 OCTOBER 2022 – 30 NOVEMBER 2022 AREA: TERGNIET, GREAT BRAK RIVER If the weather is not suitable during the abovementioned period it could be extended. Any inconvenience is regretted. TYDELIKE ONDERBREKING VAN FYNBOSLAAN TERGNIET Indien die weer gunstig is, sal Konstruksie werk onderneem word aan Fynboslaan, Tergniet. Verkeers toegang na en van die R102 / Lynbos Laan sal gesluit wees vir ongeveer 8 weke. Gedurende hierdie tydperk sal daar tydelike toegang voorsien word via ‘n gruisbad oor die aangrensende eiendomme soos aangetoon hieronder. DIE TYDELIKE VERBYPAD SAL VAN TOEPASSING WEES VIR DIE P