O AUG. 24 - SEPT. 6, 2021 National Police Night Out draws village residents lice-community partnerships and neighbor- hood camaraderie,” Mayor Cunningham BY GARY ALAN RUSE fficers from the Palmetto said. “In the Village of Palmetto Bay, the Bay Policing...
O AUG. 24 - SEPT. 6, 2021 National Police Night Out draws village residents lice-community partnerships and neighbor- hood camaraderie,” Mayor Cunningham BY GARY ALAN RUSE fficers from the Palmetto said. “In the Village of Palmetto Bay, the Bay Policing Unit and evening highlights our amazing Community Community Education Policing Unit and allows the opportunity for conducted the village’s our community to learn more about crime yearly Police Night Out prevention awareness, generate support for participation in local anticrime programs like PICTURED (l-r) ARE Crime Watch and just enjoy each other's MAYOR company. COVID has really shown how im- KARYN CUNNINGHAM, portant our neighbors are in helping us cope LT. ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ, during difficult times.” OFFICER LISA FERRO, National Night Out, which took place first AND COUNCILMEMBER in 1984, is a community-police awareness- STEVE CODY. raising event in the United States that is held the first Tuesday of August. It was devel- oped as a c