ALL FORMS OF PROTECTION FROM THE WORLD’S MOST TRUSTED & COMPETITIVE INSURERS PERSONAL • COMMERCIAL • EMPLOYEE BENEFITS • FINANCIAL SERVICES 305.238.1000 Savings & Service Since 1950 MAY 2 - 15, 2023 J Palmetto Bay resident Javi de Cardenas makes rowing...
ALL FORMS OF PROTECTION FROM THE WORLD’S MOST TRUSTED & COMPETITIVE INSURERS PERSONAL • COMMERCIAL • EMPLOYEE BENEFITS • FINANCIAL SERVICES 305.238.1000 Savings & Service Since 1950 MAY 2 - 15, 2023 J Palmetto Bay resident Javi de Cardenas makes rowing history Louis Catholic Church, and is the co-cap- tain of his crew team. Born with a number BY GARY ALAN RUSE avi de Cardenas, a Palmetto of health problems, he has consistently Bay resident and a senior at found ways to overcome adversity. Belen Jesuit High School, Javi’s dad, Dr. Andrés de Cardenas, said made Florida Scholastic Row- that it required extra effort for his son this ing Association (FSRA) history by winning time. He is understandably proud of his son. back-to-back LW Varsity Single Sculler “Since it’s his senior year it has been State Championships in 2022 and 2023. even more demanding on him because of all Statewide there were 98 entries that qual- his applications for college,” Dr. de Carde- ified and the final 16 were i