Photo by John Calvert
July 24, 2014 Vol. 2, No. 4
Kanawha Valley Village People
The Hale House in Malden, WV
Contact us
Mail: P.O. Box 60076,
Charleston, WV 25306
Tel (304) 767-5774 or see us on the web:
Are you...
Photo by John Calvert
July 24, 2014 Vol. 2, No. 4
Kanawha Valley Village People
The Hale House in Malden, WV
Contact us
Mail: P.O. Box 60076,
Charleston, WV 25306
Tel (304) 767-5774 or see us on the web:
Are you interested in volunteering in our
organization? Helping us get to the next
stage of our journey?
We are in need of folks with the time and
energy to participate as volunteers, in
program and event planning, membership
recruitment, service provider resources, web
design, hike leaders and all the rest of
making us a viable and functioning
organization. Contact us!!
…ever hear that cry? Usually from the back seat of your car as you and your
family travelled on a road trip. And the answer never satisfied the crowd from
the back seat, did it?
The Kanawha Valley Village People (KVVP) is on a journey too and, no, we
aren’t there…yet. In the past two years, we have travelled from a small
meditation group with an idea to a valid organization that i