After the events of September 11, I saw the need to compile a book about terrorism and religious extremism in the world today. After publishing this book, it occurred to me that another subject - that of negligence in religious affairs - was also in...
After the events of September 11, I saw the need to compile a book about terrorism and religious extremism in the world today. After publishing this book, it occurred to me that another subject - that of negligence in religious affairs - was also in desperate need of being addressed for both Muslim and non-Muslim readers.
On a daily basis, we are being inundated with different kinds of manmade liberalist ideologies in the mainstream media. Because of the sheer volume and almost monotone voice of many media outlets, people are given the impression that these ideologies must be accepted by every living individual and society in the world today, and that the validity of these ideologies is not open to question.
At present, Westerners and liberalists in general are intrigued as to why people are still turning to Islaam for enlightenment in this modern age. This
is particularly intriguing for those who are convinced that Islaam is something
that impedes progress, and that Islaamic civil