Introducing the My Filipino Assistant Affiliate Program!
My Filipino Assistant, the highly reputable SEO Company, has introduced an affiliate program that small
business owners and My Filipino Assistant clients can have benefits from. Good company with...
Introducing the My Filipino Assistant Affiliate Program!
My Filipino Assistant, the highly reputable SEO Company, has introduced an affiliate program that small
business owners and My Filipino Assistant clients can have benefits from. Good company with affiliate
programs understands that good efforts deserve higher commissions and will cause an individual to work
harder for them.
Shellharbour, NSW Australia January 16, 2014- Affiliate marketing represents an efficient and
effective method for boosting traffic and increasing revenue. The effectiveness of affiliate
marketing has driven many companies to incorporate it with their online marketing campaign. It
seems that the latest to jump on with this bandwagon is My Filipino Assistant; a highly beneficial
SEO Company which is now with Affiliate Program.
The Affiliate Program introduced by My Filipino Assistant is characterized by its flexibility. It is
comprised of 2 Levels – The First Tier Affiliate and the Second