How to Build Easy Cat Enclosures:
Cats love the outdoors.
It’s a known fact.
However, allowing your feline friend to roam
freely in your yard is not the best idea.
Studies show that the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is five years while...
How to Build Easy Cat Enclosures:
Cats love the outdoors.
It’s a known fact.
However, allowing your feline friend to roam
freely in your yard is not the best idea.
Studies show that the average lifespan of an outdoor cat is five years while indoor cats
live 10 years more.
Cats love the outdoors, but allowing them to roam freely in your
yard isn’t always a good idea – for your cat, the other wildlife in the neighborhood, or
for neighbors who might be annoyed by your pet.
If you want to provide your cat with a
taste of the wild outdoors without risking the hazards of an “open world,” you can build
cat pens or a cat run that attaches to your home and keeps your kitty safe.
Many pet owners would rather have their cats inside the home to keep them safe from
disease, predators and traffic.
There are outdoor cat enclosure kits available
commercially, but they can oftentimes be pricey and not to your specifications.
That is
why it is usually advisable to construct your own, or