Find Out How a Call Center in Spanish Can Benefit Your Bottom Line.
If you haven’t yet considered using a call center in Spanish as an answer to reaching a
vast and increasingly prosperous Hispanic market in the U.S. you are most certainly
missing a bet!...
Find Out How a Call Center in Spanish Can Benefit Your Bottom Line.
If you haven’t yet considered using a call center in Spanish as an answer to reaching a
vast and increasingly prosperous Hispanic market in the U.S. you are most certainly
missing a bet!
Hispanics now comprise more than 16.7% of the U.S. population, weighing in at a little
more than 52 million people. And this group is a spending group! Some of the reasons
for this lie in the fact that as a group, Hispanics are becoming more prosperous, and
carry a lot less debt than other segments of the population.
Hispanics are becoming more affluent and are
willing to spend!
According to a study by Neilsen Hispanic Retail,
there was an 89% increase in Hispanic Millenialled households earning between $50,000 and
$100,000 a year in the last decade alone. They
also are big spenders when it comes to retail, as
evidenced by the fact that Hispanic women spent
an estimated $3.3 billion on brand-name footwear
between 2012 and 2013, represe