Mobile phone data’s potential for informing infrastructure planning in developing countries Hadrien Salata,b,1 , Zbigniew Smoredab , and Markus Schläpfera a Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH Centre, ETH Zürich, 1 Create Way, CREATE Tower...
Mobile phone data’s potential for informing infrastructure planning in developing countries Hadrien Salata,b,1 , Zbigniew Smoredab , and Markus Schläpfera a Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH Centre, ETH Zürich, 1 Create Way, CREATE Tower arXiv:1907.04812v1 [physics.soc-ph] 9 Jul 2019 #06-01, Singapore 138602 b Sociology and Economics of Networks and Services department, Orange Labs, 44 Avenue de la République, 92320 Châtillon, France 1 July 11, 2019 Abstract High quality census data are not always available in developing countries. Instead, mobile phone data are becoming a go to proxy to evaluate population density, activity and social characteristics. They offer additional advantages for infrastructure planning such as being updated in real-time, including mobility information and recording temporary visitors’ activity. We combine various data sets from Senegal to evaluate mobile phone data’s potential to replace insufficient census data for infrastructu