t eachingquot es.
org http://teachingquotes.
Teaching quotes make learning process interactive
Many educational quotes have been taught to us right since our childhood, especially in our school and by...
t eachingquot es.
org http://teachingquotes.
Teaching quotes make learning process interactive
Many educational quotes have been taught to us right since our childhood, especially in our school and by
our teachers.
We may have f ound them interesting, inspirational and also boring at times (if we had to learn
them by heart!), still we all will accept the f act that these quotes and sayings have been so deep-rooted in
our minds and hearts that hardly do we ever f orget them.
Teaching quote f or teachers have been used as an aid to teaching f or a long period now, and in f act f orm
the basis f or primary education.
Inspirational words spoken by great people subconsciously inculcate good
values and ethics in children.
Schools are like watering ground f or children, as the teachings given here help
students to grow and develop.
At this young age, children absorb whatever is taught to them very quickly
and wholly.
Hence, it is im