Greg Hasting Paintball 2
Click HERE for Greg Hastings Paindball 2 on Amazon
When I was at the Airforce I would head out to a regional spot and play some paintball.
We have a
certain rush to hunting fellow human beings without really causing anyone...
Greg Hasting Paintball 2
Click HERE for Greg Hastings Paindball 2 on Amazon
When I was at the Airforce I would head out to a regional spot and play some paintball.
We have a
certain rush to hunting fellow human beings without really causing anyone any harm.
The paintballs
only hurt when its too cold, and the balls dont explode.
Truly the only other occasion I remember of
pain is when somebody would deceive and crank up the pressure to their weapon.
Whenever you
might be nervous about being hurt, and have obtained a strong desire for paint ball, Majesco
Entertainment has you covered presenting Greg Hastings Paintball 2.
They were elegant enough to
offer me a reviewable copy on the Xbox 360.
The graphics in Greg Hastings Paintball 2 amazed me.
The paintballs burst in a realistic way, and also
the movement related with the characters is high quality.
I noticed the bags would ripple in an
authentic way when they were hit.
Seeing balls fly around from behind cover brought t