Should I Buy A Tablet or Laptop?
I get this question all the time since I’m in the computer repair business.
And I always answer it depends on what you
want to do with your new toy.
Basically it breaks down into two different categories.
Tablets are...
Should I Buy A Tablet or Laptop?
I get this question all the time since I’m in the computer repair business.
And I always answer it depends on what you
want to do with your new toy.
Basically it breaks down into two different categories.
Tablets are designed around
entertainment and casual use (like reading emails, surfing, playing music (if you have speakers besides the ones on the
tablet), shopping online, and portability.
Laptops are designed to provide more of a text based experience for work
related tasks and more intense applications like CAD, Photo editing, spreadsheet stuff, and long writing situations.
Now you can interchange many of these activities on a laptop or tablet but one or the other is usually far better.
there are hybrids out there now that try to be both but they have a tendency to be very pricey and fail to be exceptional
on specifics as well as the individual devices.
The best example I can give is comparing cars.
If you want high miles per gallon you