When most people think protein,
they think BIG.This mental image
parallels the fact that for decades,
protein was sold in large part to the
sport enthusiast and athlete. A second
market developed, targeting protein...
When most people think protein,
they think BIG.This mental image
parallels the fact that for decades,
protein was sold in large part to the
sport enthusiast and athlete. A second
market developed, targeting protein
drinks to seniors who were not eating
a balanced diet.Today, protein is our
world’s most valued macronutrient.
But, is all protein the same? We look
at labels for sodium, sugars, fats, and
protein, but what does that protein
number mean?
Food sources of protein are deconstructed in the digestive process into
amino acids. It is these amino acid
links that are the building blocks of
life. It is easy to simplify the science
of nutrition and concentrate solely on
the numbers (grams of protein), but
the health facts are not that simple.
Beyond muscles, proteins are the
tools that build almost everything
human.They are the major structural
component of all cells in our body,
making our vital organs, and all our
bodily fluid