To Be or Not to Be
A Gestalt approach to Coaching
John Leary-Joyce
Published in Coaching at Work, Volume 2 Issue 5, 2007
If we threw a party and invited all the key influences on Gestalt we’d have interesting
mixture of guests Freudian Analysis’s, Zen...
To Be or Not to Be
A Gestalt approach to Coaching
John Leary-Joyce
Published in Coaching at Work, Volume 2 Issue 5, 2007
If we threw a party and invited all the key influences on Gestalt we’d have interesting
mixture of guests Freudian Analysis’s, Zen Buddhists, Gestalt Psychologists,
Existential Philosophers, Psychiatrists, Anarchists & Social Constructivists.
from a period of ego centric, individualistic US in the 50’s & 60’s, that was antiestablishment, discovering sexual liberalism and spiritual awakening aided by mind
altering substances.
You have the context for an unusual party, where it would be hard
to imagine guests agreeing with each other and hosted by a radical couple called Fritz
& Laura Perls.
What I love about Gestalt and why I have stayed passionate and committed for 30
years is this amazing eclectic mix of ideas and methodologies that have such depth
and meaning.
The emphasis on individuality means that each Gestaltist is expected to
find their own meaning f