event, as Matt Proud, RN, charge nurse for
Chandler Emergency Services, put it.
Friday, March 2 tornadoes and thunderstorm
were predicted as early as Wednesday, so staff
had hours to prepare.
The systemwide response to the storms’
event, as Matt Proud, RN, charge nurse for
Chandler Emergency Services, put it.
Friday, March 2 tornadoes and thunderstorm
were predicted as early as Wednesday, so staff
had hours to prepare.
The systemwide response to the storms’
aftermath illustrated the vital role UK
HealthCare plays for local hospitals and the
people of Kentucky.
Eventually, the Chandler
ED treated or evaluated 24 patients related to
the mass casualty event.
Many of them went
to surgery or were admitted.
Good Samaritan
Hospital received three medical cases that
night from area hospitals looking to
decompress their strained EDs.
By 8 a.
Saturday, the Chandler Main OR
was working four surgical cases related to the
event and preparing to also perform one liver
and three kidney transplants.
Both hospitals
remained on alert through the weekend in
expectation of more transfers as the search for
injured resumed at daylight.
Doing what no one else can
In a video message the f