1www.mynewsmag.co.uk l December 2014 l 01923 823 333 CALL US FOR FREE gibbs-gillespie.co.uk VALUATION Distributed FREE to homes in Northwood&MoorPark EVERY MONTH Price if bought just £1DECEMBER 2014, ISSUE 27 ONE DIRECTION?PUBLIC CONFUSION AT SPACES WHICH...
1www.mynewsmag.co.uk l December 2014 l 01923 823 333 CALL US FOR FREE gibbs-gillespie.co.uk VALUATION Distributed FREE to homes in Northwood&MoorPark EVERY MONTH Price if bought just £1DECEMBER 2014, ISSUE 27 ONE DIRECTION?PUBLIC CONFUSION AT SPACES WHICH ARE ‘THE WRONG WAY AROUND’ Local shop owners and residents have expressed concerns over the newly designed parking on Joel Street after they caused additional traffic congestion and stress for shoppers. Joel Street recently underwent improvements after Hillingdon Council and the Mayor of London’s Regeneration Fund invested £2 million into improving Northwood Hills. CONTINUED ON PAGES 4 & 5… PARKING PROBLEMS Photo by Tom Bishop